The tenth planet of the Solar System
2004/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
At first it was thought that it was an asteroid and that it was in the orbit of Pluto, but after more observations they have come to the conclusion that it is a distant planet. Therefore, instead of being a nearby asteroid, it is a distant planet.
Being a planet has given more echo to the news. 2003 The supposedly asteroid was classified as VB12, but being a planet it has been given the name of Sedna, the god of the Inuit sea. Some data on the planet have calculated that it is at 13,000 million kilometers and takes 10,500 years to go around the Sun. Like Pluto, its orbit is very elliptical, so explaining the origin of the planet will not be easy.

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