Public Health Report of the ACBC 1992
1994/03/01 Dorronsoro, Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The report published in early December 1992 on Public Health of the C.A.E. In a few pages analyses health and some of its limiters.
As it is said in the preamble, it is published for the first time, and that is what must be highlighted, since this type of work is rarely seen among us, although in other developed countries it can be found annually. Eight sections include demography, health status, preventive and care activity, health promotion and administration, and education and public health research.

Together with the health data, we find data on the structure of the population of the C.A.E. and allows to predict specific situations and problems that such structure will generate in the future. These data, of course, are not new, but rarely are they accumulated in this way, so close to their description and conclusion. As for the population, the end of immigration, the continuing decline in birth, and the consequent negative natural growth of the population since 1990, there has been an aging of the population due to the strong increase in life expectancy. On the other hand, the gross rate of mortality has decreased and the increase in life expectancy mentioned above, in addition to the aging of the population, makes the number of people up to fourteen years is very unbalanced (very few).
In the case of women, in recent years she has fully approached the world of work, which has meant a lower number of children and a lower childbirth.
Mortality shows that diseases of the circulatory apparatus in the ACBC are the first cause of mortality. It is followed by cancers and other degenerative diseases. Among young people between the ages of 20 and 35, accidents are the first cause of death. The importance of infectious diseases of yesteryear has disappeared, except in young people, in which AIDS will still generate great losses.
Among many other sections, under the title “Promotion of Health”, different activities are announced aimed at children, young people, adults and adults.
It should be noted (it is not by chance, without a doubt) that practically all activities belong to the world of education for health. And as is known, health education aims to change or adapt habits to people, to prevent possible health problems. For example, reference is made to the risks of the pregnancy of the woman who advances for years; or to actions for children's oral health; youth sexual education against AIDS or for prevention; need for education for adults; tobacco, alcohol and prevention in cases of early diagnosis and in the world of work.
To say that all the causes of mortality mentioned above are largely related to lifestyle, daily habits, is not something new (traffic and tobacco problems, stress control, or cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle; some cancers and tobacco and/or the risks of the workplace, juvenile traffic accidents and some habits, etc. ). ), and it is important to see where the promotion of health is directed.
For a long time, and as we often say many times, our health is often in our hands. The way to die and get sick depends on our habits in the main problems. Health services, of course, can do a lot (if they are good) when we get sick, but it is not easy to say that half is ours.
On the other hand, if health, biological, medical resources are not able to cure or eradicate these diseases and we are also clear that we can do something to some extent, we must certainly start to tell ourselves if we have no other solution.

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