Gene found to repair the DNA chain
2002/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Scientists at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam have shown that a gene helps repair the DNA chain. Without this gene, there is a greater chance of repairing the DNA chain clumsily and these repairs can cause cancer.

Researchers created a genderless rat Rad54. Clumsy DNA repair in normal rat cells occurred in 60% of cases, but with the inactivation of Rad54 the percentage reached 80%. The results have shown the importance of Rad54 to solve the fractures of two branches and have opened the way to acquire knowledge that allows a more correct use of radiotherapy.
Another experiment analyzed the effects of chemotherapy given the Snm1 gene. This gene influences the resolution of cross-links. Rats with that deactivated gene quickly died from a small dose of chemotherapy. Patients who reject chemotherapy will now analyze their dysfunctions in the Snm1 gene.

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