
Trying to redefine dyslexia

2005/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Children with dyslexia have reading problems, since dyslexia, by definition, consists of “mixing or not reading words, syllables or letters.” But it seems to be necessary to better define the disease, since so far it has been directly related to vision and, according to some experts, the problem can be not in sight but in the realization of schemes.

Somehow, these children have a hard time distinguishing their own image from the "noise" of their environment, because it costs them to separate what is important from what is not, and that seems to be due to the difficulty of performing perceptive categories (categories of the perceived).

These experts try to find out if they have the same problem not only visual, but also auditory, that is, if they have difficulty separating sounds from noise.