Portable hard drives
1988/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Although the future of laptops is questioned, it seems that portable hard drives will be very successful, as we often pass data from place to place. When the information is short enough, we can handle it with floppy disks, but when the amount of information we have to delimit is greater we find some problems.
As technology advances, several houses have tried to solve these problems and finally Tandon has been the first fast access portable hard drive: Personal Data Pac. Locking read/write heads and drying system, in addition to being portable, ensures complete data security. The Personal Data Pac unit goes inside a "chassis" covered by a hard box. Therefore, he is willing to make any trip and suffer misfortunes.
Plugging is enough to be able to use the preconfigured and selected software library. Therefore, what the Personal Data Pack offers is a safe, reliable and fully portable system.

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