"Dinosauroid, is it our former intelligent being?"
1993/12/01 Barrentsoro, Karlox Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

When we talk about dinosaurs, the image of gigantic and terrible beings comes to mind, because for years we have had that perception. But today we know that they were of many measures, weights and forms. They lived throughout the year 140,000,000, from the time called “Triassic” to the end of the so-called “Cretaceous”. And they mysteriously disappeared 60,000 years ago. Much has been written and talked about the causes that led to extinction and a lot of theories have been exposed. One of the most famous is the giant asteroid that fell to the ground at that time. However, the dinosaurs completely disappeared.
Is the appearance of animals a coincidence?
If we analyze the wide field of dinosaurs, we will find different shapes and families. Some were herbivores, some were carnivores; some lived in the dense forests of that time, others in the sea or on the coast... some were small (more than a meter in length was not witness to the compsognathus). Other extremely giants: brachiosaurs, tyrannosaurs, diplododos,... some were of land. Others, swimmers (ichthyosaurs, for example) and also those who flew, such as the pterodactile, the pteranodonte, .. and the more curious, the plumed dinosaur called archaeopteryx. Based on the latter, scientists argue that birds come from dinosaurs.

Analyzing the appearance of some of the dinosaurs mentioned, we can observe their similarity with other animals that currently live and defend themselves in their environment. And there's the hook. Does the environment have nothing to do with the forms of the species that develop? Is the appearance of animals by chance? If we analyze the appearance of archaeopteryx and some of the current birds, we observe that they are very similar.
Is it chance? The same will happen if you compare the appearance of tricerotops or other dinosaurs with those of the current rhino. Chance? Needless to say, it looks like ichthyosaurus compared to the current dolphin (mammal) or the fish shark. Chance too? In my opinion, they are no coincidences, since the medium can directly influence the appearance of the species that develop inside. (See comparative drawings).
And in human appearance?

And as for human appearance, can we not say anything like that? And why not? If the medium can influence the composition of alien forms, why not ours? Canadian paleontologist Dale Russel, 53, who works at the Museum of Nature in Otawa, has launched a very courageous theory. In 1968, in the south of the Canadian region of Alberta, he discovered the remains of a small dinosaur. Investigated and dated, it was called Stenoychosaurus and was accused of 75,000,000 years old.
Based on the structure of his skeleton and the steps of the evolution of species, he built a being similar to the current human being: the dinosauroid. Dale Russell believes that there are morphological solutions to biological processes. The human aspect is not a coincidence, but a solution to a specific biophysical problem. Since the human appearance is very adapted and elaborated, we could consider it as a natural objective that seeks and achieves natural selection.

Stenoychosaurus biped or hankabikoa, with very flexible hand and folding thumb. To be dinosaur was great brain and binocular vision. And it is evident that the comparison between this type of characteristics and what anthropology brings about the ancient ancestors of humanity generates a great parity. According to the paleontologist mentioned, the medium and genetics are able to create a dinosauroid species similar to that of the current man. And seeing the big size of the brain of stenoychosaurus, why can't you think it might be smart like us? In short, an anthroposophy or intelligent civility similar to ours. And why not?
And the beings of the stones of Ica?
We all know remains of our prehistory that do not coincide with what science defends. The pile of Baghdad, the prehistoric skull excavated with bullets, the geoglyphs of the Nazca, those of the Atacama desert, those of the Sahara, the ancient aerial maps,... that do not enter the logical path that our science offers us. One of them is that of the stones of Ica. In those stones, which have already appeared hundreds, they speak of a strange human being. Of course current scientists do not accept it! But where does it come from? and when?

In these stones we are given many special messages: operations, operations,... and also about the way of life of this strange human being. They usually appear next to different dinosaurs and flying over some of their fins. If we look at the figure of the man of Ica, we could say that he also seems semisaurian. And not only for its appearance, but also for the similarity of schemes that can be seen in the head, arms and legs. What if the stones of Ica were dinosauroid humans? What if before our humanity, which has developed from the monkey, there had been another humanity arising from the dinosaurs? As we all know history and prehistory, they are temporary garments tailored to the human being. What if there had been a history of other intelligent species before?

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