Dinosaurs were not the first to walk on the two legs
2001/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In the history of the evolution of life there has been a transition of 4 to 2 legs, first with dinosaurs and then with mammals. The first case has just been questioned by a fossil found in Germany in 1993. After analyzing the bones of a small reptile of 290 million years, experts have come to the conclusion that it had the capacity to walk on two legs. This means that 60 million years before the appearance of dinosaurs had on Earth animals capable of walking on two legs. Although the reptiles Eudivamus cursoris were lost in the mass extinction that preceded the appearance of the dinosaurs, it is believed that they had a great diffusion. Fossils have also been found in North America, Russia and China, but unlike Germany, they did not walk on two legs.

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