Analyzing the last food of a dinosaur
2003/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
In the United States they have discovered the fossil of a dinosaur that died 77 million years ago. Of the species Brachylophosaurus canadiensis, scientists have deduced their death at the age of four.

In addition to locating almost all dinosaur bones, skin and muscle remains have been found. And it's unusual, as normally all soft tissues rot before fossilizing. The new fossil will allow us to study the movement of this dinosaur species and its outer appearance.
Scientists have also been able to analyze the innards of the dinosaur and what was the last food of the animal. Braquilofosaurians were herbivores and thanks to the seeds and fossilized pollen grains found in their stomach they have identified various plant species such as ferns, pines and plants similar to magnolium.

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