
Batteries not discharged

1990/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Although the ads say otherwise, all batteries are downloaded gradually when not used and when used (radio, flashlight, etc. ), let's not say. However, "thermal" batteries can last as long as desired if not used, with all their internal energy. Many copies of this type of batteries have been stored for twenty years without any special surveillance. When taken for use, they have worked very well. Thermal batteries are electrically neutral while not activated. However, if activated they cannot be stopped: they continue to work until they are fully downloaded. That is the obstacle they have.

These batteries, of course, are not sold in any street canton store. It is mainly used in the military air industry, such as missiles. The missiles "Exocet", "Milan", "Hot", etc. have thermal batteries and when they are released take from these batteries the necessary energy for motors, calculators, sensors and various electrical circuits.

The "Aerospace" organization of Bourges in France manufactures thermal batteries since 1967. In its catalogue it has about forty models: from 25 to 128 mm, from a few volts to 100 volts, from a few milliamps to hundreds of amps, from a few seconds to twenty minutes in duration.

The thermal battery is the one that generates energy according to the needs. The battery contains electrochemical cells attached in series or in parallel and embedded in airtight box. In each cell there is electrolyte and its neutral cells are converted by fusion into ions when the ambient temperature is much higher. The heating element is integrated between cells and starts electrically or mechanically.

Due to the ease of storage of these batteries in warehouses and the total storage of energy, it is considered that in the future they will be used in many projects, which are also interesting in terms of prices.