
That comes

1995/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

According to scientists at Princenton University, the gamma ray bite is caused by collisions between double stars, so the impact of these collisions on our planet must still be many years.

And everything seems to indicate that the new attack that could break the balance of our planet will come from space. But we can be calm, because it will still take thousands of years. Research on gamma rays remains clueless. Some 26 years ago gamma ray bites were first discovered, but it is not yet clear what produces them.

According to scientists at Princenton University, these bites are caused by collisions between double stars, so the impact of these collisions on our planet must still be many years. On the contrary, a high concentration of gamma rays has been detected around the atmosphere. Gamma rays are normally emitted in radioactive decay; in order to predict the effect of this possible puncture from space, the Princenton machine is conducting numerous studies. It is believed that laboratory sessions will allow us to know in advance what can happen in thousands of years.

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