Problems in the Danube River
1992/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Hungary announces the disruption of rail, river and road traffic with Czechoslovakia. The problem is the hydroelectric plant called Gabcikovo-Nagymaros, which is to be built on the Danube River. Around this project there have been numerous protests in Prague, Vienna and twelve western European cities.
Hungary has suspended its participation in this project for environmental reasons. However, Slovakia, the youngest of the two states that make up Czechoslovakia, has expressed its intention to carry out the corresponding part of the project.

Austria invested $640 million in this project. In exchange for this money, Austria should receive hydroelectric energy in the future, but on the way back it wants to compensate. Hungary and Czechoslovakia have invested US$500 million each to date and since all the work carried out has been carried out in Czechoslovakia, this state has the greatest interest in continuing.
The environmentalists of the three states mentioned were shown from the beginning against this project. For their part, dams can alter groundwater, pollute drinking water, damage agriculture, etc.
It proposes the construction of two dams and if you want the project to have the maximum performance, the two must work at once. The Gabcikovo project, which will end provisionally this year, can reach 180 MW in three years. Note that the initial project was designed for a power of 780 MW.
In addition, according to this project, the boundaries between Hungary and Czechoslovakia should be remarked and this cannot be carried out until Hungary does not authorize it.

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