
Dancing, save the planet?

2008/08/18 Arakistain Aizpiri, Lorea - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

They are fashionable. They come with proposals to fight climate change. They have many new ideas and ask us to join them and save the planet. They make us courageous, innovative and attractive proposals. All together tell us that we will save the planet and that we will also have a good time. They are new heroes… but they are neither scientists nor thinkers. They are entrepreneurs.
The latest proposal comes from the UK. We have received the invitation to save the planet by dancing. Surya is the name of the first sustainable dance floor they have recently opened in London.
Dantzaris get 60% of the energy consumed by the disco
Gabriel Corby

The disco is made up of recycled materials. The bath water is collected directly from the rain. They serve organic drinks in polycarbonate glasses for further recycling. When they don't use second-hand items, they buy them in fair trade stores. But the most attractive thing is the same dance floor. They capture the energy generated by the steps of the dantzaris and use it for the functioning of the disco itself. The earth is made up of quartz and ceramics and each foot stroke charges the batteries connected to the ground. It is therefore a piezo track that allows dancers to reach 60% of the energy consumed by the disco. The rest is obtained by solar panels.

The disco itself, in addition to taking care of the environment, demands the same commitment to its customers. Before entering, they must sign a manifesto expressing this commitment. In addition, for those customers who show that they have arrived there on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, it does not prove easy!

Within the marketing campaign to publicize Dantzaleku and contribute to curbing climate change, the Club4Climate website has been created. In this area, the character Dr. Earth guides us in the duty to save the planet. He is a curious character. He says that walking through the party rooms and bars is spiritual and that, walking through the party rooms, it is possible to save the Earth. To do this, we propose to create a network of sustainable party rooms. Clubs that want to follow the Surya model must respect a decalogue of environmental standards. One requirement is to allocate some of the benefits to an association that works for the environment or animals.

Project website: club4climate.com.

Environmental Protection

Friends of the Earth will donate part of the benefits of the Surya nightclub to the NGO, provided that said entity changes its mind and decides to accept the help. In fact, the organization has stated that it does not want to receive anything for this project. Moreover, they have denounced that the Club4Climate Surya website is using its name.

And why is there an organization for Earth Care against a sustainable party hall? Because the Club4Climate project, in addition to the expansion of the Surya Disco and other dance halls, is in the mouth the idea of creating an island of paradise. It would be located in the Mediterranean and would be open for 2010. They say it will be a place of sexy and ecological tourism, and that lying in the pool, a cocktail in hand, customers will save the planet.

Friends of the Earth NGO does not want the help of Club4climate

Faced with this claim, the environmental organization Dr. Earthi has accused of fraud on behalf of the environment. And it is that, despite showing a green and ecological aspect, they do not say the whole truth: we will have to get to the island by plane and the planes pollute. In recent years, aircraft are also responsible for the increased growth of carbon dioxide sources.

The debate, ethical or not, is fashionable in environmental projects and against climate change. And entrepreneurs have seen the business. It is legitimate to think that doing business with the excuse of ecology is not ethical. However, the preservation of the environment and the economic viability of projects should be good. If what they sell in green and pretty is not smoke, of course.

Published in 7K.

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