
Mikel Valle, researcher at CIC bioGUNE, winner of the 2009 EBSA Award

2009/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Mikel Valle, researcher at CIC bioGUNE, winner of the 2009 EBSA Award
01/09/2009 | Elhuyar

Mikel Valle, head of a research group of the Structural Biology Unit of CIC bioGUNE, has just won the 2009 EBSA Award. With this award given by the European Biophysical Societies Association, it recognizes the work of researchers under 40 who have worked in Europe and have made important contributions in the field of biophysical. In the opinion of EBSA, Dr. Valle has made an important contribution to the structural research of macromolecular complexes through the use of electron microscopy techniques.

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