CHEJOV and dilation
1996/09/01 Bandres Unanue, Luis Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Andre Chejov's soldier said: “Why are winter days shorter and nights longer and upside down in summer? Like all that is seen and not seen, the winter days are shorter because they are shortened with cold and the nights are heated with popcorn and lamps.”
I don't think Chekhov would think so, I wanted to highlight the lack of wisdom of the Russian subfamily. But who knows! Among us they are also as tolerant as this theory, as we will see in the following example:
If after a hot bath we had to wear boots or similar for riding, we will see that it is impossible or very difficult to put the foot warm. If we ask for the reason, more than one would answer that “by heating the foot its volume increases”, even if it is the size of the barbarity that the flirty has said.
For starters, hot bath makes the human body temperature just vary. The ascension is around a degree. The body maintains its temperature around one point at about thirty-six degrees, and faces thermal effects. Therefore, little can suppose about what we are analyzing, that is, to wear the boots. On the other hand, the dilation coefficient with respect to the hard and soft parts of our body is relatively low. For both reasons, the foot width and leg thickness will not exceed one hundredth centimeter, and boots, as I know, are not as accurate.
However, as said above actually happens, we will have to look for reason elsewhere, and somewhere it is not a heat expansion, accumulation of blood, swelling of the leather, moisture of the skin, etc.
Heat and miracles
Ancient Greece, BC III. In the nineteenth century lived a mathematician and mechanic named Heron of Alexandria. This had several achievements in the field of mathematics, such as the extension of the triangle surface by the three sides, even in the field of mechanics. Among the latter, to surprise people by convincing that the Egyptian priests were performing miracles, he explained two gadgets.
In the image above we can see the base of one of them. In it you can see an empty altar and under it, covered by the floor, the opening mechanism of the church door. The altar was outside the church. When the fire was kindled there, the air was heated under the altar, pressing on the water of the vessel under the ground. By expelling this water from a tube from the container, it fell into a bucket by starting the mechanism that moved the doors.
The believers, unknown to the occult device, believed they were seeing the miracle: the priest lit the fire to pray and his words opened the doors of the church. The other miracle Heron left is similar. See side image.
When the fire of the altar is lit the air is dilated by pressing on the oil of the container hidden under it. The oil goes up the two tubes inside the images of the two priests on both sides of the altar and drips down on the fire as “miraculous”. But when the priest responsible for the altar opened the cap on the altar, the hot air spread to the area and when the pressure disappeared, the oil spill also disappeared as “miraculous”. The priests apparently used this trick when alms were not as abundant as they wanted.
Another miracle
We will pick up a paper needle to burn the tobacco and after bending it by its two halves we will open it again. This way we can know where your center of gravity is. We place it on a needle that we have nailed vertically, placing the center of gravity at the tip of the needle.
The papelit will be in balance because it is in its center of gravity. But the smaller well is enough to start spinning. So far there is no miracle. However, as can be seen in the image, if a hand slowly approaches the paper so that the wind does not carry it, the needle will begin to spin, first slowly and then faster.
If we move the hand away, the movement of the paper will stop and when it is surrounded again with great care, it will start. In the seventies of the last century, this amazing tour caused the suspicion that our body had special powers over nature. Lovers of hidden powers saw or wanted to see in this essay the verification of the mysterious forces of the human body. But at its disadvantage, the reason for this phenomenon is totally natural and representative: the air that warms our hands from bottom to top; when climbing presses the lower face of the paper and as this has some folds, it begins to rotate like a grinder.
Any observer will immediately realize that our grinder always has the same direction: moving from the wrist to the fingers through the palm.
The reason for this is none other than the temperature difference of these parts of the hand. The tips of the fingers are always colder than the palm, so the air current of the upper part that appears next to the palm is greater than the one that appears on the tips of the fingers, so the paper will leave in that sense. Therefore, in the cases presented here there are no miracles or hidden powers.

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