
Is Cervino African?

1992/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Cervino, one of the most famous mountains in the Swiss Alps, is not just the European mountain, according to geologist Peter Lenher. This geologist has made these statements within the program launched by Zurich's Escolapolitecnico to analyze the origin of the Alps.

However, this hypothesis is not bema and was first published in the 1920-1930 decade. In the studies carried out in the subsoil of Cervino, African crystalline stones have appeared.

The explanation for this apparent contradiction is that 200 million years ago Europe and Africa were one. Then, little by little, the two continents were separated, but at a given time, again, the two continents began to unite as a consequence, part of Europe arose.

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