
Inner bubble plasma

2005/03/08 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to the theory, when a gas bubble collapses, the plasma is formed inside. Plasma is an extremely hot gas in interstellar space and on the surface of several stars, and researchers wanted to create bubbles collapsing.

However, getting it is not easy. The researchers tested the path of sonilluminisence by bombarding the bubbles of a liquid with sound waves. The researchers wanted to measure the temperature of light emission emitted by the bubbles. The problem is that they could not only study a bubble to measure the light emitted by one because it was too weak.

Now, at the University of Illinois, a special experiment has been conducted. In a container of sulfuric acid, xenon and argon bubbles have formed that have been bombarded by ultrasonic waves. The brightness they have emitted then has been visible to the naked eye, therefore impressive.

The temperature of these collapsed bubbles is around 20,000 Kelvin, that is, four times the surface of the Sun. This means that within the bubbles there is plasma. Research is very important as it serves to advance nuclear fusion.