Bluetooth: a future in decline
2001/04/01 Waliño, Josu - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A couple of months ago we explained what the Bluetooth system is. This system, developed among several companies, allows to connect small devices and computers so widespread today without cables. This system uses radiofrequencies for devices to communicate with each other and provides a megabit of speed per second. This way you can create small networks by connecting all the devices that each has in your home without using any cable.
The devices that use this technology should be seen on the market in September last year, but have not yet appeared. The problem is not that the technology is not properly developed, since it exists. The problem is another. Until recently there was no regulation that would homologate the operation of these devices and each manufacturer solved the technical problems in its own way. In this way, direct communication between devices of different brands was not guaranteed. Therefore, until the end of this year, we will not see this type of devices.

The technology will not be expensive. In 2002, the cost that a device must add to the product for having this technology is 1,000 pts. (40 pounds). But the current Bluetooth cards are not so cheap. The problem is that they have two connection circuits: one of radio to allow external communication and another of internal communication. The devices that will leave at the end of the year will have a single chip that integrates everything and whose production is expected to cover a lot.

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