The gesture of life
1996/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
British experts have confirmed that the beginning of the opening and frequent movement of the eyes by patients with vegetative life is an indicator of knowledge recovery.

Today the vegetative life is a mystery for every researcher. Experts say that eating in the form of lethargy is something between state and consciousness. These patients do not speak or mobilize. According to experts, they are sick “sunk in the hole” and if the eyes blink, it means that they will come out of the hole (i.e., to “wake up”). Through stimulation, the patient sometimes opens and moves the eyes. This stimulation technique seems effective, as patients who open and move the eyes often wake up.
From now on, experts will address the path of stimulation of the senses, which for the moment is the only hope that the sick leave the lethargy forever.

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