Active life increases the brain
1993/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to some researchers at the University of California, the more the brain works, the more branches of nerve cells become. Conversely, the less the brain is used, the more fine tissues that help nerve cells receive messages contract.

These tissues, called dendrites, are twigs that grow outside the nerve cells. Messages sent from other nerve cells are first received by dendrites. Dendrita, the bigger it is, the more information you can receive.
Neurobiologist Bob Jacobs of the University of Los Angeles, along with Arnold Schibel and Matthew Schall, has analyzed the lengths of 20 human brain dendrites.
According to this study, the length of dendrites between different brains can vary by 40%. In general, women have more promises than men, which seems to be due to greater ease of speaking. As they age, they also saw dendrites shrink, but one of the most important consequences was: "Let the records of those who worked in intelligence be longer than those of others."

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