
Occlusive aorta balloon in cardiopulmonary resuscitation

2002/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At the Public University of Navarra, the technique of the balloon has been experimented to occlude the aorta, an animal whose cardiovascular system is very similar to the human. According to the results obtained, an occlusion balloon established in the aorta allows to double the blood pressure that reaches the brain and heart in cardiopulmonary resuscitation movements.

Through the groin, through the femoral artery, a balloon-supported catheter is inserted and downstream of the diaphragm is located in the aorta. By inflating the ball it is possible to separate the blood only to the strictly necessary places. In this way, the blood that comes out of the heart is directed only to the brain or heart, avoiding displacement to the extremities and other non-basic parts of the body.

The intraortic occlusion balloon therefore increases systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, as well as the pressure of coronary and brain perfusions. According to scientists, for better results, it would be highly recommended to use this new technique quickly.

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