
Morning sun or rain?

2001/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

For those who are not satisfied with the weather forecast the next day, good news comes from the United States. According to a group of scientists, we will soon be able to predict even the most complex meteorological phenomena. So far, data obtained through satellites and ground stations were collected on a computer and the evolution of climate change was analyzed throughout the year or seasons.

Now, by entering the same data into a computer with a huge computing capacity, it seems that we will be able to predict the short-term weather trend.

This computer, called Cray T3E, can simulate all variants that may occur as a result of the interaction between the atmosphere, sea and land, so it is able to make short-term predictions from instant data. However, in order for predictions to be truly reliable, it is necessary to devise more powerful computers and improve the satellite data system.

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