The mustache, why?
2001/07/06 Elhuyar Zientzia

Today the fundamental role of the seal mustache has been published in the journal Science. It is not ornamental but a valuable hunting instrument.
The dolphin detects the dam by sonar and can detect at a distance of 110 meters. So far, the mystery about seal hunting has been a mystery. The researcher at the University of Bonn,
Guido Dehnhardt, did not believe in these theories, among other things because he is able to hunt the seal perfectly in very turbulent waters, and even because there are blind seals.
Looking for another explanation, he looked at the mustache. The thin moustache of the seal contains about 80 follicles and about 25,000 receptors capable of detecting vibrations. Unlike what people believe, the mustache is not only able to detect very close movements, but the seal, for example, can feel the movement of fish at 180 meters, because through the mustache can detect water movements as small as the million meters.
To demonstrate the theory, two seals trained to follow a diver who left a mark like a big trout. They covered their eyes and kept their heads on the water until the diver made his way and turned it off. Thus, neither sight, smell, nor sound could give hints of the diver's trajectory. Seals always followed the trace left by the diver. However, when they covered the head with a sock and blocked the moustaches, they were not able to follow the trail of diving.
Researchers believe that these experiments are proof that we are facing a new underwater orientation system. Now they want to analyze the seals that inhabit the high seas and then see if the results can serve other marine mammals with other whiskers.

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