
Two new Office, one for Mac and one for PC

2000/11/01 Waliño, Josu - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Since launching the Mac version of Office 97, Mac Office 98, Microsoft has not released any new Mac version of its software. However, it seems that Mac users are not entirely forgotten and the release of Mac Office 2001 was expected in October this year.

Mac Office 2001 includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Entourage. All are the same versions of Office 2000 that we have for PC since last year, except two: The conversion to PowerPoint QuickTime format has been added and Entourage has been added to the family. This application is similar to Windows Outlook 2000, an application that offers agenda and mail services. However, the new Office for Macintosh is not the only one to be marketed. A new version of Windows Office is expected early next year. The name of this version is not yet fully defined, but will probably be marketed under the name of Office 10.

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