
Two to walk, six to hide

2005/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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Two small octopus from the tropics are able to walk on two legs when they want to flee from the aggressors. In addition, six other arms are used to change appearance.

Octopus marginatus, for example, inhabits the sea of Indonesia and on its seabed there are numerous coconuts. In fact, it acquires its appearance when it concentrates the six arms around the body. The other two uses them to make fame.

The other octopus, somewhat smaller and seaweed shaped, is Octopus aculeatus. It hides from scrapers thanks to the form of algae and, like the other, is able to walk on two legs.

The research has been published in the journal Science, but researchers believe that there are still many things to know about octopus.