
Other solar system

1992/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It is considered that the planets in our solar system originated from collisions between particles.

It is believed that the planets in our solar system formed from collisions between particles. It seems that the same phenomenon is occurring in space today. In 1983 a disc of gas and dust was discovered around the star Beta Pictoris. Through the Hubble telescope, NASA scientists analyze the components of this disk.

The disc consists of two parts, on the one hand an outer ring of billions of kilometers of diameter in which there are small solid particles, and on the other an inner ring of hundreds of millions of kilometers of diameter formed by incipient.

For astronomers, these gases are the signal that planets are producing. One of NASA's managers, Albert Bojess, says that gas is the result of a collision of solid particles in the outer ring. Some shocks caused the evaporation of some particles and the attraction of this vapor to the inner ring.

According to the aforementioned scientist, “what is happening in Beta Pictoris is similar to what happened in the creation of the solar system. To say that from here a new solar system will emerge is to say a lot.”

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