
Good news for men

1997/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

After a series of experiments with rats, researchers discover that UCP2 is an important responsible for protein fattening. A first step in the solution.

The slimming pill is perfect. At least some French and American researchers have made a great discovery in the fight against obesity. These scientists claim to have discovered a protein that measures the rate of fat burning. The latest research on obesity focused on the hormones that regulate appetite, but it can be said that this new discovery is totally different.

Cells regulate the rate of burning or converting energy and over the years biologists have been studying how this regulation is performed. After a series of experiments with rats, researchers discover that UCP2 (protein released 2) is an important responsible for protein fattening. American Craig Warden, who leads the research, says that by increasing the level of UCP2 protein, fats are burned much faster.

It is still early to reach definitive conclusions, but in the future the number of obese may decrease considerably.

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