
Self-service fish farms

2003/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Fish farms are often credited with a harmful nature to the environment. Now, Canadian researchers have proposed a way to reduce damage and get more benefits.

In fact, more or less, from fish farms, leftover food and excrement are poured into the rivers. However, these residues can be used for breeding other species.

Researchers conducted the test in a salmon nursery. For use of organic waste mussels and seaweed for use of inorganic have grown. In this way, on the one hand they have managed to reduce the arrival of pollutants to the river and, on the other, they have diversified their production. That is, in addition to being a form of bioremediation, polyculture allows other species to grow and earn more.

However, this idea is nothing new, more than a thousand years ago in China several species were cultivated in one place, in order to make the most of the resources.

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