
Get robust glass from carbon dioxide

2006/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Get robust glass from carbon dioxide
01/09/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: Archive)

Two researchers from Firenz have created a solid and resistant material from carbon dioxide. This new material has been produced from solid carbon dioxide or dry ice, i.e. low temperature and high pressure carbon dioxide.

The pressure applied to dry ice is even higher, between 40 and 50 gigapascales. At this pressure, dry ice loses the molecular structure of CO2 and carbon and oxygen form a network similar to glass.

Researchers believe that this new material will have two main applications. On the one hand, it will be used for the research of the planets, since the interior of gas giants like Jupiter is formed by high pressure carbon dioxide. On the other hand, it will be used for the creation of new materials. For example, the combination of compressed dry ice with silica will allow obtaining solid and hard crystals.

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