
Stop desertification

2006/06/05 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia

This plant is located in the dune of Zarautz. A few years ago in the dune there were no plants or flowers, only sand. However, the restoration work of the dune has borne fruit and today appears green. Similar plants have been planted in Laida to retain the sand.

In fact, people who have long lived around the sand deserts do the same to prevent their expansion into the dunes. It is one of the measures to combat desertification, among many others. And everyone needs.

That is what the United Nations has reminded us today on Environment Day. In fact, 2006 has been declared the year of deserts and desertification, and the message has been launched that desertification is a danger to the environment and also to people. Therefore, they consider it necessary to take measures to address the problem. In any case, the placement of desert barriers will be more difficult than the Zarautz dune esplanade.