Balentin Glux dies
1989/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
A specialist in the construction of Glux space vehicles, he worked extensively on Soviet space exploration. After World War II and Sergei P. In collaboration with Korolev, he played an important role in the different space programs developed by the USSR.
Glux was born in Odessa, Ukraine, in 1929, studied in Leningrad and worked in scientific institutes throughout the Soviet Union. In 1974 he became director of the team founded by Korolev. Since 1958 he has belonged to the Academy of Soviet Sciences. His works include the Buran space shuttle and the energy launcher design.
(In this issue of the magazine we have an article written by Balentin Gbed, called Martitzerako bidea).

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