
Bacteria for health

1996/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Fermentation has been in the near future the most effective way to avoid the food problems of children in developing countries.

Fermentation will play in favor of children in developing countries. It seems too conclusive, but according to the data provided by the researchers of the University of Malaysia, fermentation will be in the near future the most effective way to avoid food problems. Among other advantages, the use of yeasts in the fight against diarrhea. For example, the bacterium Lactococcus lactis can be very useful for the transformation of certain rice based foods.

Fermentation processes generate simpler compounds such as lactic acid, finding in this step the way to combat the isomers L and D that cause certain diseases. These diseases usually do not cause harmful effects in adults, but they can lead children to death. We know that a balanced diet can also avoid these problems, but this is almost impossible in some territories. For example, in developing countries diarrhea kills about 3 million children each year. If this path of research thrived, in addition to the success of science, it would be a hope for a large number of populations.

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