
New thermal protection improvement technique

2001/07/07 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Aircraft components, turbines and many microelectronic components are subjected to corrosion, oxidation and wear. Therefore, these components have a metal or ceramic protective cover. According to researchers at the State University of Pennsylvania, a technique designed by them serves to improve the characteristics of these covers.

The technique based on electron rays, called EB-PVD, does not modify the basic chemical composition of the material. It only reduces thermal conductivity and increases the ability to suffer corrosion and oxidation at high temperatures. The first model consists of six cannons that emit electron rays, all located in a chamber in which the vacuum has been made. The first four rays are used to evaporate the protective material and the other two to heat the part and thus increase the holding capacity.

When the protector evaporates, the part to be protected is moved by a mechanism to the vapor mist to cover evenly. In addition, if desired, two or more protective materials can be mixed simultaneously. According to the researchers, the life of the materials protected with this technique could be extended by around 12%.

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