
The boat Dragoi is up today

2012/05/22 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria


They have already achieved it: a private spacecraft travels for the first time to the ISS space station. The SpaceX Dragon Cargo has been released this morning. This first trip has been considered as probacoa, a project supported by NASA that aims to replace Dragon and other private ships with ferries that have already retired.

During the flight, the Falcon 9 rocket carries the Dragon capsule to its exit from the atmosphere. It has been introduced into the orbit and has extended the solar panels and is on the way to the ISS. It will be received by a robotic arm of the ISS that will help you to link up with the station laboratory. The charge will be taken from the astronauts of the ISS and then returned to the Dragon Earth. It has been planned that the Dragon capsule was to be launched on April 30 from the end of Cañaveral, but on the one hand, to be able to perform some last minute tests and on the other, faced with the problems of a Falcon 9 rocket engine, they had to delay the launch twice. It has finally been released on May 22.

The test flight was unmanned and 1,181 kilos of cargo that took them to the ISS, returned them to Earth in 660 kilos. According to SpaceX designer Elon M, they will be able to send the manned mission to the ISS within three years. The May flight was the first step I had to take for it.


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