
A car for many

1991/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

are saved in columns.
The inhabitants of the REMEN will see from November some pink columns. Next to these columns are the cars and their key and documentation

The inhabitants of Bremen will see from last November some pink columns in the urban environment. Next to these columns are the cars, whose key and documentation is saved in the columns.

To date, only 32 inhabitants of Bremen have the capacity to accommodate themselves to this system. One of the driving forces behind this new project said: "Each participant in the project commits to sell the car as soon as possible." Sixteen cars were sold and 32 participants deposited a bond of 1000 marks. In addition, with 10 frames each month, you are given the keys of the boxes that are in the columns, so that they can use one of the four parked cars.

A number of rules of use of cars have been established, and fines have been established in case of disobedience.

The aim of this action is to alleviate the problem of the collapse of cars in cities, since people walk more in public transport. The essay is new and limited. Therefore, it is still early to assess the results of this system. However, it can be one of the partial solutions to address traffic problems in large cities.

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