
Way to avoid jams

1997/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

There are more and more appliances in the car. Visionauta” is one of the first to be used in France and its mission is to show the motorist the shortest roads and the least obstacles.

To do this, a private service receives from public services all the information about roads and sends it by waves to the car with “Visionauta”. The motorist, therefore, is informed at all times of his career.

Unlike other models, this device can be transported from one car to another. Its price is 75,000 ptas. (3,000 pounds) and is currently only available in the Paris area, with a monthly fee of 9,000 ptas. (120 pounds). Next year this service will extend to major French cities.

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