
Trying to clarify the circumstances

2008/07/28 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

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The auroras come from a series of explosions that take place in the Earth's magnetic field, as reported by NASA's THEMIS satellite set. These explosions are produced by the solar wind (jet of particles loaded with sun) modifying the shape of the Earth's magnetic field, that is, extending more and more the zone not oriented to the Sun. Suddenly, as it happens when we have too much a rubber band, the magnetic field is released and it surrounds the Earth again. In this form change, a violent explosion occurs and much energy is released. This energy excites the atmospheric gas molecules. The auroras are luminous waves emitted by the gas molecules excited by releasing the received energy.

Image: Image: NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab

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