
Aurora Artificial Borealis

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

American scientists have emitted radio waves into the atmosphere causing northern lights.

Scientists know a lot about the creation of northern lights. They know that the Earth's magnetic field directs electrons from the Sun toward the poles, and that the light of the aurora occurs when they collide with molecules the molecules of the atmosphere. But scientists don't know what accelerates electrons. However, they have done an experiment that can help clarify that.

Cornell University physicists launched a source of high-intensity radio waves. The radio transmitter was 960 kilowatts of power. At 50 kilometers from the earth's surface, in the ionosphere, radio waves accelerated the electrons and caused the artificial aurora. Perhaps electromagnetic fields also launch northern lights in nature. However, through the experiment they have opened a new way to investigate auroras.