Aurora 2001 expedition results presented
2001/11/08 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

Two groups participated in this project. On the one hand, five people traveled to Canada to take pictures of the aurora, sounds and video images. On the other hand, other scientists spent these days measuring solar activity in San Sebastian.
Thus, for a month, several experiments were conducted. Among other things, they confirmed the correlation between solar activity and the northern lights. When spots appear on the surface of the Sun, it is a sign that the solar wind has occurred and when it enters the magnetic field of the Earth there are auroras and australes.
The scientists received the radio waves and obtained the sounds of the northern lights. In these sounds, physicists have found no correlation with the type of aurora.
The group plans to make a documentary with the material collected and, if appropriate, prepare a special film to perform at the planetarium in San Sebastian.

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