
Secrets of astronaut clothing

2000/10/03 Mendiburu, Joana - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In space, however, they are essential because they allow good pressure and breathing.

For those of us who stay on the ground, the apparel of astronauts is spectacular.

Two weeks ago we saw the astronauts in this new International Space Station with their outstanding and distinctive clothing. For many, the idea of disguising the astronaut costume can also be brilliant. But well, in addition to spectacular, these garments perform important and essential functions.

These suits have a very complex structure and many components. Among other things, in order for astronauts to circulate through space, it is necessary that these suits have a separate mechanism to maintain normal pressure, along with the air renewal and cooling system. The accessories are the helmet, the water bag and the communication system.

The inside of the garment is full of tubes that channel water, urine and coolant. The ventilation of the garment and the perspiration system are very important. The astronaut must withstand a temperature of 121°C under the sun and a temperature of -156°C under darkness.

The material used to make garments is independent to prevent bacterial leaks and proliferations. However, proper cleaning is necessary after each use. And if we take good care of the garments, its use is about eight years. From there they lose quality.

The suit consists of overlapping layers, with a maximum weight of 107 pounds (approx. 53.5 kilos).

Strict security measures

The basic life guarantee system consists of the PLSS, the always connected back unit and a visual control that takes it in the front. The back unit separates oxygen to breathe, ventilate, and adjust the inner pressure of the garment. In addition, this unit is necessary for the cooling and transport of water, as well as for the absorption of carbon dioxide and the elimination of odors. The second oxygen distributor is located at the bottom of the PLLS and the first is put into operation when it fails. All these devices and the maneuver driver are observed by crew members thanks to visual control. Therefore, astronauts only circulate in space, but without cutting off all ties with the lands. Let them not be lost in solitude.

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