The remote object they have called Ultima Thule is named after Arrokoth
2019/11/13 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Earlier this year, the New Horizon probe sent images of an object in the Kuiper belt. According to the international system, this object was called 2014 MU69, but it was known as Ultima Thule. More details about the object have been known and now it receives the definitive name: Harroth.
By naming the objects, the International Astronomical Union usually relates the place where it is located and the culture of that place. And Arrokoth saw it first with the Hubble telescope and then took out the New Horizon images. Both are directed from the state of Maryland, whose inhabitants were from the villages of Powhatan-algonkin. Harroth means heaven in his language.

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