
Fish in depth

2008/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Fish in depth
01/11/2008 | Elhuyar
(Photo: ORI)

A group of Japanese and English biologists has achieved a underwater record, rolling fish to the deepest depth of all time. The images have been taken at 7,700 meters in the Japanese fossa. The work is part of the Hadeep project launched by the Tokyo Oceanic Research Institute. The objective is to investigate the Hadal zone, that is, the submarine zone of less than 6,000 meters, located below the abyssal zone. It is difficult to find fish at that depth, since they have few foods and a lot of pressure, and it is a very small area to have endemic populations. However, a group of 17 units has been filmed, and researchers have said that it can be an entire family.

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