Virtues of white fish
1998/12/01 Lorenzo, Arantza | Uranga, Ane Miren Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Lately we have worked intensely on the exaltation of the peculiarities of blue fish, without neglecting the properties of white fish, as if not one. We will leave the shore and bring to the following lines the benefits of white fish in food.
Like the rest of fish, white meat fish offer us valuable proteins, but with an important difference: in the same number of proteins have much less fat, below 5%.

The proteins present in all types of fish are easy to digest due to their low content in collagen type proteins. That is why they are tender to eat and ideal for those who go beyond age or have teething problems. The digestion of fish is easier than the digestion of meat, for two reasons: for its low fat content and for the presence of proteins without collagen. White fish does not produce a feeling of satiety and the noises of gut lice start before, so white fish is perfect for dinner.
As has already been mentioned, white fish is rich in proteins, little fat and no carbohydrates. As for vitamins, they offer us the type of vitamin B6 and vitamin E of group B. In minerals, like all marine products, we have the rich in iodine along with selenium. It is curious white fish, since its proteins help to absorb a type of iron difficult to absorb.
What are white fish? Some of the best known are: monkfish, tongue, cod, rooster, hake, trout, mud, grouper, turbot and salmonete. And to finish a few simple tips so that when you go to the fish shop you know that the fish you are buying is really fresh:
- Clear, bright and transparent eyes as if you were looking at yourself.
- Skin: iridescent glow.
- Smell: light.
- Body: strong and strong.
- Gills: wet and bright red.
Like blue fish, it is recommended to take it twice a week and, as has been said, better at night.