The robotic era: the time of machines arrives
2009/10/04 Korta Hernandez, Nerea - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In 1946 he patented the first industrial robot in the US. In the 1960s, artificial intelligence programs and robots were created that worked with artificial intelligence. By 1990 it was possible for a robot to perform a hip transplant to a human being. In 1997, a robot sent by NASA came to Mars and analyzes the environment. Now XXI. In the twentieth century humanized robots have arrived and the space probes Spirit and Opportunity have reached Mars.
With the technological advance of recent decades, automata have spread to many areas of society. Great industrial, constructive and domestic presence. But there are those who have generated controversy: robots with a perfect human appearance and automata of war

Warrior robots used by the American army. (Photo: Foster-Miller )
Humanoids and war
The central computer of a human space mission, in addition to driving the spacecraft, had oral communication capacity. But in order not to reveal an error he knew how to end the entire crew. Hal was 900, in 1968 2001: Space odyssey popularized the robot.
Human-looking warrior robot, with a powerful artificial intelligence engine, built to fight the man. Terminator T800 was a humanoid known in 1984 for his film Terminator.
Humans used humanoids created by genetic engineering for dangerous jobs and as slaves. Physically they were like humans, but they had no emotional response. Finally, the androids called replicants revolted. Blade Runner, 1982.
Will the fear of technological advances be science fiction?

To the left, the android Actroid, rented by the company Kokoro. To the right, Albert There, There was with the body of the robot and the head of Hanson Robotics. (Photo: Coco Company Ltd/ Hanson Robotics )
Far from the film industry, the robots of reality are less advanced. For example, the computers in the space probes do not communicate verbally. The Spirit and Opportunity probes sent by NASA to Mars have some autonomy in land navigation, but not the freedom of Hal 900. Its functions are taking photographs and taking samples.
There are also war robots, but they are not humanoids like T 800. Examples of this are the warrior robots SWORDS and MAARS. They are remote guided machines in the form of a tank. They do not have much autonomy, but they do have the capacity to fire weapons, and the U.S. military has already used in southern Baghdad. We must not forget the unpiloted planes, which can have all autonomy, even to pull.
Human robots have a very realistic aspect, but they are not created by genetic engineering. For example, Actroid and Ever androids are machines in the form of young girls. Its crust is a silicone gel with dozens of engines to simulate human movements. There is already the possibility to rent Actroid models. The most perfect face is the robot Albert Haber. Its head, similar to Einstein, has been manufactured by the company Hanson Robotics, able to perform realistic gestures using 33 engines of the face. And the most surprising: it has the ability to learn gestures by looking at people.
As happened with the issue of genetics, and in the same place, last February, scientists met and debated the risks of robotics and its limitations. Will the risk be so much? They will say it in December.
Published in 7K.

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