
Chemical weapons under the sea

1998/06/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Since World War II they are silenced, but the red alert can be shot at any time. In the Baltic Sea, under water, chemical weapons are currently in a good lethargy, but the warning may come immediately. 300,000 tons of chemical weapons hide at sea, but not forever.

According to experts, deposits used to protect chemical weapons will begin to deteriorate between 2002 and 2005. Erosion aggravates and, as is normal, chemical weapons begin to be released. This process has already begun, but we still have 4 years to take action, as the disaster has not fully emerged. However, if measures were not taken, weapons would cause the largest ecological accident in history in the area.

A black picture, therefore, what we are seeing in the Baltic. And it can still be worse, because right now there is no official program to address the problem.

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