
The Revolution of Light

2006/09/14 Rementeria Argote, Nagore - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

In 2006, Dr. Shuji Nakamura was awarded the Millennium Technology Award. Nakamura is a prestigious company in the world of technology, which has been a series of advances in the field of diodes and say that it is the ‘father’ of the blue laser. According to the Foundation that awards the prize, these contributions “have meant an improvement of the quality of life and a well-being for all humanity”, and that is why they have rewarded this great inventor.

Nakamura works with light emitting semiconductors, invented by the blue, green and white light emitting diodes and the blue laser mentioned above. The blue laser has a shorter wavelength than conventional, allowing more information to be stored in a smaller location (computer media, CDs, for example). Diodes have other applications. They are generally used to emit light and consume much less than conventional bulbs.

Photo: Danel Solabarrieta.