
Sleeping with light is not good

1999/05/23 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

According to the study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, children who sleep with lit light are more likely to suffer from nearsightedness later. The study, based on the sleep habits of 479 children, concludes that 55% of children who slept under the light subsequently suffered myopia, 34% of those who slept with special lights for the night, and only 10% of those who slept in the dark suffered myopia. Despite sleeping with small lights, the light enters through the lashes, so the eyes work instead of resting.

Industrialization also does not benefit the eyes since the number of myopids in the population of developed countries is increasing. It seems to be due to night lighting.

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