
They find a ring of antiprotons around Earth

2011/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

It is known that many particles remain trapped in the Earth's magnetic field, and a group of European astrophysicists have discovered that thanks to the Pamela satellite there are also trapped antipartas, the antiprotons. The satellite has detected a lot, more than those estimated theoretically. They come from the molecules of the upper part of the atmosphere, as a result of the collisions of cosmic rays. The shocks release many particles and few antiparticles. When in contact, the particles and antipartas are destroyed each other, the scientists did not expect antipartas to be detected. But, according to Pamela's data, an antiparticle remains for every thousand particles that remain undestroyed. The antiprotons that have survived have formed a ring around the Earth.

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