New anti-particle on the RHIC accelerator
2010/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Brookhaven laboratory physicists create an antiparticle of a hyperon in the American RHIC accelerator: an antihypertriton. It is not the first time that physicists produce antimateria, as smaller antiparticles (antiprotons, antideuteriums, antitritiums and antihelium-3) have been obtained. But all the above antiparticles are made of two types of quarks that appear in nature: u-and d-quarkez. Among the components of the antipart created by the RHIC experiment is a s-quark that does not appear in nature. And that has not been achieved so far. Similar antipartas allegedly emerged in the microseconds following the Big Bang explosion, whose research will help understand why more matter occurred than anti-mating.

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