
Antihydrogen cold cold

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The main problem of antimatorial research is the antimatería itself. And although it is believed, it is difficult to maintain it. These particles are too fast to be captured and studied. Therefore, the physicists of ATRAP have developed a new method to stop antihydrogen.

The antihydrogen is formed by two particles, an antiproton and an antielectron. And each of them is obtained from a source. The antiproton will be formed by a particle accelerator and the antielectron will be collected from a radioactive source. So far both were mixed by a magnetic trap, but the result was a very fast atom.

Too fast. Now, physicists have found a way to transport the antielectron interacting with the external electrons of a cesium atom. This allows you to approach antiprotons and create antohydrogens. The result is a much slower atom, supposedly more appropriate for experimentation.