
Antibiotics have to do with allergy

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

American researchers say antibiotics have something to do with the development of allergies. This can help understand why allergy cases have increased over the past forty years.

In fact, it is debated why the number of cases of allergies is so high today. It is not clear what has caused so many cases. According to one hypothesis, the house is a product that is very clean, apparently the body does not have enough possibilities of contact with the particles that cause the allergy, so it does not learn to combat them.

However, another hypothesis is that allergies are due to the intake of antibiotics, which break the balance of microorganisms present in the digestive tract by killing one and increasing others.

Among the effects of antibiotics is the proliferation of yeasts in the digestive tract, and researchers have shown that yeasts increase their sensitivity to allergies. That is, with many antibiotics, they heal, but yeast increase and increase the chances of being allergic.

This study reinforces the second hypothesis of the origin of allergies. Not only because it has found a physiological relationship between antibiotics and allergies, but because it coincides with historical data. In fact, in the last forty years the consumption of antibiotics has increased considerably.